Jubilee Prison Ministry is a cross-denominational Christian program designed to engage incarcerated men and women in what we hope will be a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. 

The program focuses on institutions with inmates serving shorter-term (less than five years) sentences. It has the dual objectives of “Transformation” and “Transition.” Transformation is aimed at helping Participants decide to become followers of Christ, and Transition aims to help them become part of a faith community in the free world where they can live out a purpose-driven life. 

WHo We Are / What We Believe

Jubilee Prison Ministry is a non-profit, cross-denominational, lay-led ministry that includes all Trinitarian Christian Denominations. Our program holds to orthodox Christian doctrine as articulated in the great creeds. We are thus able to bring together volunteers from Reformed and Catholic traditions building on our universal foundation and our desire to share Christ’s love. We do not dismiss the denominational differences as unimportant, but we do insist that all volunteers be willing to set aside those differences in doctrine while participating in Jubilee Prison Ministry programs. Clergy from several denominations have vetted all of our program materials and our program’s design in order to ensure that its content and emphasis remains firmly rooted in those doctrines that we all share as Christians.

The Jubilee Weekend is a labor of love for all involved. We aim to “talk less, listen more, love always and without reservation.” We do not dismiss the crimes these inmates have committed nor do we minimize the pain and the suffering their actions have caused their victims, their families, and their communities. We know, however, that no one is beyond the reach of God’s grace. We also know that our own sins are of no less consequence in the eyes of God just because we may not have crossed similar legal boundaries. In short, we recognize that we are all sinners, none of us more deserving or less in need of God’s grace than any other. 

Jubilee Weekend is focused on spiritual transformation but we recognize that along with genuine spiritual transformation there will also be behavioral changes that benefit the entire community in which these men and women live. These changes are equally beneficial within the jail/prison environment and the “free-world” communities into which they are released after completing their sentences. But our objective is spiritual transformation not behavioral change. We believe our mission is obedient to Jesus' command in the Great Commission and in Matthew 28:18-20.